Maryjoy schools exists in order for students to acquire academic skills through embracing a mix of the different teaching methodologies where the curriculum and activities emphasize a well-rounded approach that reflects an in-depth understanding of the child’s needs and personality.
Through available resources and programs that address the intellect and emotions, children learn to recognize and develop a perspective on the significant things in life. The school faculty works diligently as a team to nurture each student’s capabilities and combination of intelligences.
Due to the fact that children need to feel competent, it is the responsibility of Maryjoy schools, to develop in them all the factors underlying their success in academic as well as personal lives. The whole purpose of education at Maryjoy is to turn the promise of children receiving a quality education into a reality and to help students be self-motivated and lifelong-learners while embracing the concepts of respect through the understanding of diversity and empathy for others. These distinctive and perpetual aims and philosophy are rooted in global citizenship and serves as a holistic approach to developing capacities within learners as:
- independent, reflective and critical thinkers
- secure in their own beliefs and values
- committed to life-long learning and active participation in society
- respectful of others
- willing to find solutions to local and global problems
The Maryjoy educational philosophy and aims are evident through:
- providing a safe and cultivating environment
- shaping students’ personalities
- reinforcing social skills, positive attitudes and values
- developing a student-centered learning environment
- using individualized improvement educational program
- using a well-equipped school facility as a tool to improve learning
- addressing the individual needs of learners
- providing a quality Curriculum educational program
- recruiting and retaining the finest staff who are qualified, experienced, and caring
- support of educational, culture, and personal development through engagement in our community
- exhibiting a welcoming community and school culture that values respect, encouragement, initiative, productively, positivity, reflection, and self-improvement.
Students at MARYJOY succeed academically:
- They are challenged to a high level of performance and standards
- They accept individual responsibility for their academic progress
- They develop 21 st Century skills to continue their educational career and provide success in life
- They learn both independently and cooperatively
- They communicate clearly and think critically and creatively
Students at MARYJOY succeed personally:
- They demonstrate understanding and respect within the boundaries of propriety in their dealings with others
- They honor and respect those in authority
- They develop self-discipline and personal responsibility based on respect for and submission to delegated authority
- They understand that true greatness is defined by service to others
- They are influenced, but not confined, by the cultures and values of their upbringing
- They bridge cultures and act to create a more peaceful and sustainable world
MARYJOY students embrace values:
- Integrity – They behave in a responsible way, and are committed to work to their best potential and ability.
- Respect – They behave, communicate and deal with each other in a caring and courteous manner.
- Collaboration – They work, care and cooperate together for the achievement of common goals.
- Critical Thinking – They think critically and constructively and use questioning through inquiry and reflection.
- Creativity – They are themselves and are proud to enhance their individuality and uniqueness.
- Positivity – They celebrate learning every day and have a positive attitude towards improvement and hard work.
MARYJOY Guiding Principles:
- Foster an inclusive, safe and nurturing learning environment
- Develop students who are value driven and dedicated to life-long learning
- Develop 21 st Century global citizens
- Provide a quality, holistic and individualized education
- Foster collaborative, reflective and critical thinkers
- Develop well-rounded, independent learners
MARYJOY Character Profile:
- They are Curious
- They are Reflective
- They are Collaborative
- They are Innovative
- They are Caring
- They are Respectful
- They are Responsible
- They are Communicators
- They are Tolerant
- They are Global Thinkers
Well qualified, experienced and passionate teachers are central to providing an excellent education for our students. Our teachers are professionals and have excellent subject knowledge and experience within the specific developmental stage or specialist area that they teach. They will understand the particular needs of their students and be able to build a relationship that facilitates individual success. Our teachers respond sensitively to the needs of our pupils through personalized attention, structured learning environments and a variety of learning tasks. Parents are an integral part of the learning process and our teachers will ensure that there is clear communication between home and school and that parents are involved as part of the learning community.
Supporting our students and teachers in lessons we have well trained, kind and proactive Classroom Assistants (one per class for PP1- Grade 3). Hall Monitors who support students and manage attendance to school, movement around school and break and lunch times, bus student movement and are in regular contact with home.. As well as our Administrative Support, Catering and Cleaning staff who are all part of our school family.